For a Mom, Self Care is So Important
Self care as a mom is so incredibly important yet we consistently put others first. We say it all the time, “We can’t be there for others if we don’t take care of ourselves first”. It’s totally true, but do you actually make sure to practice self care routinely? Do you purposefully plan to practice self care? I know it’s hard, but you need to. It doesn’t have to be often or expensive for it to make a difference in your mental health.
Plan your self care ahead of time and get creative so you take the guilt out of it. Even if it’s once a month, but it’s a consistent once a month, it works. It also doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Hell, I even count grocery shopping alone as self care. That fills my cup. It may not be for everyone, but being alone, no kids, and I can take my time browsing at Target, that’s good enough for me.
Below are some very affordable (nothing over $30) products I use and love to practice self care. I understand as moms we hate spending money on ourselves (because we’d much rather spend $50 on that organic cotton t-shirt for our 2 year old that will only last a few months). There’s even a FREE product from me to you in the list!
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We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
1. Foot File
O.M.G. best quarantine buy so far! Obviously many of us aren’t getting pedicures right now or never even had the time to begin with. Right around month two into lockdown at the Rivera house, I was in desperate need of a pedicure. Not because I wanted my toes painted (I mean, yes please to that too), but my heels were needing some major attention.
I was reminiscing about the time when I could randomly tell Mark I’d be back and he had the kids for a bit while I ran to get a pedicure. I remembered that they always asked if I wanted to get my heels filed and it was an extra $10! Pricey, but I totally get why they can charge that much. It totally works! Legit, best $10 I’ve spent for an add on service to a pedicure. I knew I could find it online somewhere. After searching, I found this one and it’s as good as the one they use in the salon.
I use it about once a month and what I love is that I have control over where and how much to use it. In the salon, I was always nervous they’d knick my skin so this is even better. Even when I start going back to getting pedicures I will use my own file from now on. Can’t believe it took me this long to buy my own.
Your hubby can thank me later because he will also try to use it.
2. Bath Bombs
How freaking cute are these? I love all the different colors and the fact that they are made in the US. They contain shea and coco butter and your skin feels so soft after soaking in the tub with these.
I am all about buying in bulk because Nora loves bath bombs and these also make great gifts! Buy the bulk set, keep some for yourself and then package up a few to give away as gifts to your stressed out, tired mama friends! I usually pay about $4-5 per bath bomb for this size at the store so you can save a bit there as well.

3. Soy Candles with Essential Oil
I am a candle lover. I like to burn candles when I’m cleaning because it makes me feel like everything is extra clean when I’m all done (it’s a mental thing, but it works). I always look for candles that use essential oils rather than any added fragrance as I’m slowly trying to remove as many toxic chemicals as I can at home. Here are a few of my favorite brands and scents:
Lulu Candles

Leather & Tibetan Oud (for men)
Craft & Kin Candles

4. Affirmation Cards for Moms
These are so great because they are little reminders throughout your day to stay on the path you committed to at the beginning of the day. I love that you can put these everywhere. I have one in my bathroom for when I get ready in the morning and at my desk at the office. Each time I see the card, I repeat the affirmation out loud (most effective and impactful) or in my head if people are around.
I haven’t found many decks that I really love so I decided to make some of my own. You can download a free deck below! These affirmation cards are meant specifically for us moms so you’ll be able to relate to them!
5. Book for Indoor Plant Mamas
If you are a plant mama like me, this book is the best for indoor plants! It’s a great book for beginners and is easy to use. The graphics are awesome and it makes it so easy for you to understand how to care for your plants. It covers a lot of the common indoor plants that beginners start off with and beyond! I just love this book and for less than $12 it’s a steal!
6. A Cup of Coffee
When I want a real treat, I spend that ridiculous $5-6 on my favorite caramel latte at a local coffee shop. I love to get the drink fresh with no lid and sip that glorious foam on top. During the week I normally drink a cup of coffee each morning, but it’s simple; coffee, cream and sugar. The splurge is not on the cost of the fancy coffee, but it’s being able to sip it slowly with no distractions. Even if I have the kids, we stay in the car, I do curbside pickup (or drive through) and I sit in the car while I sip my latte with no lid. It’s the best and it’s relatively cheap!

7. Motivational Stationery
I don’t know about you, but if I have to be in the office away from my kids, I want to like my space for the 8 hours I spend in it. I try to find fun items that make me happy while working like these pens. They have motivational sayings on them that just make me smile, plus they’re super cute.

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