haakaa for new moms
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When I had heard about The Haakaa silicone breast pump for the first time, I thought, no way could this thing catch enough milk to make a difference. This was my second time breastfeeding and I had never even heard of it. 

I didn’t know how to use a Haakaa breast pump and from what I could tell, you just popped it on your boob and let it get to work. Seemed simple enough and for the price, why wouldn’t I try it?

I ordered The Haakaa and tested it out. I was able to collect 1 ounce of milk during my first nursing session. This was at 6 months postpartum. I honestly thought it wouldn’t work for me since I already had an established milk supply.

I’m not going to lie, the first time was an absolute disaster. I had no clue what I was doing and hadn’t tried looking up tips from other moms at the time. 

Xander kicked it off a few times and after that nightmare, I scoured the internet for ideas on how to better use it. I also tested some things out for myself until I got really good at using it.

After I mastered how to use a Haakaa, it quickly turned into a must-have item I share with all my mom friends!

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How to Use a Haakaa

What’s a Haakaa and What is it Used for?

The Haakaa is a 100% food-grade silicone breast milk catcher that uses natural suction (no machine) to capture all excess milk produced during the “let down” phase when nursing. Typically when you are pumping, you are using two flanges at once to capture all of the milk during let down.

However, when you’re nursing, unless you’re a super-mama of twins, you are only nursing on one side at a time. All that precious milk is being soaked up into either your breast pad or bra (yah, this has happened to me on multiple occasions). You can express anywhere from 1-2 ounces of milk during each nursing session. That’s a ton of liquid gold!

The Haakaa is compact and because it’s manual, it’s the perfect tool for travel. Long distance trips, plane and car rides, etc. It’s also perfect when you just aren’t in the mood to lug around an entire breast pump set up. 

The Haakaa also comes in two sizes now. They have 100ml and 150 ml bottles to accommodate any mama. They also added a new suction base that sticks to flat surfaces so we can all rest easy knowing we won’t spill the milk. Trust me, get the upgraded version.

I have the original version and it’s a legit balancing act trying not to knock it over (but, I have a hack for that if you do go for the original).

Best part of The Haakaa is that it’s eco-friendly and 100% safe for mom, baby and the environment. Win-win-win!

What Does Haakaa Mean?

This is actually a really cool story which is another reason I loved supporting this company. 

The Haakaa is a traditional New Zealand ancestral dance that Māori people would perform during times of war. The literal meaning is, “Be a strong fighter, find strength by choosing to smile through whatever challenges life brings.”

Haakaa is a family owned business in, you guessed it, New Zealand. It was started by parents who had a special needs daughter named Courtney and Haakaa was a term they tried to instill in her as the meaning was very special to them.

They struggled with finding safe, non-toxic products for their daughter and through their search, Haakaa was born. They have a variety of products, but by far, The Haakaa is the most popular. It’s been gaining traction among new mothers recently and has just blown up. The cost alone is enough to make you want to try it!

How to Use a Haakaa Breast Pump Pinterest Pin

Here are Some Features of The Haakaa

  • Natural suction to express milk
  • 100% food-grade silicone
  • Soft and pliable
  • Compact size fits into any purse or diaper bag
  • New! Suction base to stop spills from happening
  • New! Two sizes: 100ml and 150ml
  • Manual so no need for cords or batteries
  • Easy to clean
  • Easy to use
  • BPA, PVC and phthalate-free
  • Super reasonable price

How to Use Haakaa

Step 1: Sterilize your Haakaa

Always sterilize your Haakaa milk catcher in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. I can tell you from personal experience that this is super important to get the suction to work correctly.

I used a nipple shield with both kiddos in the very beginning of both breastfeeding journeys and if the silicone was not sterilized, it had an oily layer left over from the fat in my breast milk. This would make the silicone slippery and wouldn’t attach to my skin well. This is the most important step to make this work, don’t skip it!

I use the double broiler pictured below. You just fill the bottom with water and then the steam from the bottom will filter up to the top to sterilize the Haakaa.

How to use Haakaa

Step 2: Fold Flange

Fold the flange back. The reason you fold the flange back is to get a better suction. This step combined with step one are the golden nuggets of wisdom here. 

Step 3: Place Over Nipple

Place the flange over your nipple and make sure your nipple is centered on it (I’ve heard moms say it hurts them and this is most likely why), but don’t fold the flange back over just yet.

Step 4: Apply Suction

Apply suction by squeezing the base of the pump then fold the flange back on to your breast. 

Step 5: Let the Haakaa Work!

Let go and let The Haakaa do its thing!

Be careful not to knock the Haakaa off while nursing. Babies get curious and may try to grab it. It can easily get detached so try to be aware of baby hands!

Step 6: Empty the Haakaa

After you are done nursing on one side or, the Haakaa is full, carefully take the Haakaa off and empty the milk into a storage container or bag. 

When your baby is done on the first side and ready for the other side, make sure to latch the Haakaa on the other side as well. You never know if you’ll have another let down while baby is eating on the other side. 

What are the Benefits of Using a Haakaa?

  • It’s super convenient for travel – hands free pumping on the go!
  • It’s quiet and in a pinch is a wonderful alternative to your electric pump
  • Helps build your freezer stash early on with no extra work
  • It encourages letdown to help maintain your milk supply in a very convenient way
  • Can easily address engorgement or clogged ducts
  • Super easy to clean 
  • It’s super affordable! 

What are the Cons of Using a Haakaa?

  • If you plan on pumping you’ll still need an electric pump
  • It can slip off while nursing especially with a handsy baby
    • Be sure to use the hair tie hack mentioned below!
  • The older version doesn’t come in multiple sizes and doesn’t have a suction at the base so be careful not to knock it over.
    • Easy fix for this is to just grab a coffee mug and set it inside of the mug so it doesn’t fall.
  • Moms have reported the labeling for ounces on the outside is inaccurate. Moms have reported that it’s off by an ounce. You may think you collected 2 ounces, but when you pour the milk into a storage bag it’s only 1. This may be a concern, but I have also noticed that my Medela pump accessories are also off. As long as you’re aware it shouldn’t be an issue.

Tips for How to Use The Haakaa Breast Pump

Sterilize ALWAYS!

I’ll say it again, ALWAYS sterilize and clean your Haakaa really well after each use. This will help it last longer and keep the integrity of the silicone which you need for a good suction.

Don’t Use Bleach

To add on to the tip above, Haakaa specifically says not to use bleach or any sterilizing tablets to clean the product as it could compromise it’s lifespan.

Hair Tie Haakaa Hack  

If you’re afraid of it getting knocked off (especially if you have a pretty heavy supply) during nursing, use a hair tie for the hack below!

Tie two hair ties together then attach one around the neck of The Haakka and the other around the clasp where your nursing bra folds down. It will create enough tension that even if your little one kicks it off, it won’t spill.

Haakaa Breast Pump Hair Tie Hack

Coffee Mug Haakaa Hack

Another tip to not knocking it over when not in use is to bring along a coffee mug to your nursing sessions and when you’re done using it, place it inside the mug. 

Coffee Mug Haakaa Hack

Wear a Pumping Bra

Another hack for making sure the Haakaa doesn’t get knocked off during nursing is to wear an actual pumping bra. Usually bras made for pumping have slits in the front so you can put the flange through it so the pump stays in place. The Haakaa is no different and can be used the same way!

Clear Clogged Ducts

The Haakaa is genius for treating clogged ducts! Use a warm compress on your breast as you normally would. Then, add epsom salt and warm water to the Haakaa and attach as normal. The epsom salt and warm water will help along with the suction to help clear the clogged duct. 

Haakaa to the Rescue!

The Haakaa can totally be used as a manual pump when needed. As a working mom, I have forgotten to bring my electric pump attachments so I keep this in my breast pump bag as backup just in case!

Use it on Both Sides

Make sure to use The Haakaa on both sides while nursing. You can encourage another let down by using a warm cloth on your breasts and just trying to relax. Your body will know what to do naturally and boobs are really all about supply and demand. 

Use the Haakaa in the Shower

This is an odd one, but try it in the shower! It has been reported that moms have natural let downs in the shower because you’re typically warm and relaxed. The Haakaa is great for this because it can get wet unlike an electric pump. 

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Common Questions About How to Use a Haakaa

How many ounces will I get each nursing session?

Of course this will vary depending on how much you’re naturally producing, but you can expect up to 2 ounces per nursing session. I typically get about 1-1.5 oz.

Can I use the Haakaa in place of an electric pump?

If you plan on needing to use an electric pump because you’re returning to work or you will be away from your baby for extended periods of time, you’ll still want to get an electric pump. This is a completely manual method and really is more of a milk catcher rather than a pump. 

Will I always produce extra milk when using The Haakaa?

Not all women produce milk using The Haakaa. This could be due to the suction placement, they are not relaxed and feeling a bit anxious or as some women have reported, they don’t collect milk when baby is not actively nursing. They may not collect milk if they are trying to use The Haakaa while using an electric pump. But, The Haakaa really is meant for catching excess milk during a nursing session, not a pumping session. 

What if the silicone has that film you were talking about?

This is most likely a build up of fat from your milk. The easiest way to avoid this is to follow the proper sterilization instructions and sterilize after each use. If the film still forms, use some diluted vinegar (1 part water, 1 part vinegar) to take the film off. Just be sure to not use any bleach products as it will break down the silicone over time. 

Are there different sizes of Haakaas?

No, this is a one size fits all situation. Because the flange portion is so flexible, it fits well on a variety of breast sizes. I am size 34DD and had no issue with getting The Haakaa to suction and stay put. 

Will I produce too much milk?

Again, breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. So, as you empty your breasts, they begin to produce more milk almost immediately. However, keep in mind that this is a milk saver. So, you aren’t actively pumping your breast to encourage a let down. You’re collecting what would otherwise be wasted milk because a let down is naturally occurring.

What if my baby kicks The Haakaa off while nursing?

Well, you know what your mama always said, “Don’t cry over spilled milk.” If baby kicks it off, just breathe, mama. Again, try the hair tie hack to try and keep it in place during your sessions. You’ll get the hang of it!

When should I start using a Haakaa?

Make sure to consult with your doctor or a lactation consultant as every mama is different. They usually recommend taking the first 6-8 weeks to establish a healthy milk supply.

However, if you need to build up a freezer stash, then start right away!

I really wish I would have known about The Haakaa sooner. I found out when my second kiddo, Xander was already 6 months. I didn’t think it would work, but I’m collecting 1-1.5 ounces each nursing session. I’ll take it!

The Breastfeeding Mom’s Guide: How to Use a Haakaa

If you’re a breastfeeding mama, this is one of the best kept secrets that a lot of moms are unaware of. Again, for the cost, you’ll save yourself a lot of tears trying to save up a good stockpile of freezer milk. The Haakaa is one of the best baby products on the market in my opinion. Cost conscious, environmentally safe and convenient. What’s not to love?

I hope you found this article packed full of valuable information for how to use a Haakaa breast pump. If you loved the information you read, please share the article on Facebook or Pinterest so your mama friends who may be interested in learning more about the Haakaa can read up!

Leave your questions in the comments below. I’d love to help you on your Haakaa journey!

Virtual Hugs, Ashleigh

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