It’s back to school time! Whether it’s your first year at a new school or you’re a seasoned pro, there are some things that every parent should know about getting organized for the new school year. We’ve got 12 back to school organization ideas for parents that will help make your life easier and ensure that you’re ready for anything when the new school year rolls around.

The start of a new school season can be so exciting for both older kids and younger kids so use that excitement to really get them involved to help get your whole family organized for the school year.

They’re probably looking forward to their first day of school and want to feel confident in themselves.

We as parents can help them get organized ahead of time with these back to school organization ideas while also getting the entire family ready for their return to school as well.

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1. MUST HAVE: Family Command Center

If I could pick one of the most impactful back to school organization ideas you must have to get ready for the school year, it would definitely be to have some sort of Family Command Center. It’s not something you only use for back to school, but every single day as a family.

A family command center is basically just a fancy term for the family’s communication hub.

It’s where all family communication can happen and is visible to everyone that needs to know including any caregivers.

We love our family command center because it’s where we can keep to-do lists, grocery lists, upcoming important events, a school schedule, emergency contact information, permission slips for school activities, important paperwork, etc. all in one place.

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2. School Shopping Done Early!

Don’t wait until the last minute to get your school shopping done especially if this is your kid’s first year at school. Sometimes the stores can get crowded and run out of essential school supplies.

Getting school shopping done at least a few weeks before the new year is always a good idea just in case you realize you forgot anything. You’ll still have time to grab what you need with plenty of time.

Make sure to also get any shopping done for new school clothes too!

Here’s a list of necessary supplies to take with you on your shopping trip:

3. Morning Routine in Place

Morning routines are so important for kids to learn early on. They really can set kids up for success because they learn early on that it’s important to be prepared.

Morning routines don’t need to be strict, but they do provide structure and can help with the flow of each morning so they aren’t hectic trying to get out the door.

Although I have my own morning routine, my daughter has her own set of things she needs to get done each morning. We will need to change her list slightly since this is her first year in school, but for the most part, it’s the same and it’s SIMPLE.

  1. Brush Teeth / Use the Potty
  2. Get Dressed
  3. Make Bed
  4. Let Dogs Out / Feed Dogs
  5. Eat a Good Breakfast

That’s it! She’s only 5 of course, but this way she knows exactly what she needs to get done so there’s no fighting to get out the door on time.

4. Nighttime Routine in Place

Just as you have a morning routine, a nighttime routine is just as important even for kids. Of course, I have my own bedtime routine as well, but kids need them too.

Again, expectations are important so there’s no fighting when you tell them it’s time to get ready for bed.

This eliminates (mostly) the begging for more t.v. time or staying up just a little longer. My daughter knows when it’s 8:00, it’s bedtime. She also knows that on the weekend we are more laid back.

She also has a list of items to tackle before bed each night:

  1. Clean Up Shoe Area
  2. Bath
  3. Get Dressed
  4. Brush Teeth / Use the Potty
  5. Let Dogs Out / Feed Dogs
  6. Read a Book

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5. Prep Outfits for the Whole Week

This is such a huge game-changer. If your kiddo struggles with deciding what to wear each morning or you always have to pick out clothes for them, try this instead!

Work with them each Sunday night to pick out clothes for the whole week. This way, there’s no fighting or deciding that morning.

Always check the weather to make sure the outfits make sense and make it clear to your child that if they decide last minute they’d like to wear something else, that’s ok too!

You don’t want to stifle their creativity, but you also want them to learn the power of planning ahead and being organized.

This is one of those school organization tips that really help kids learn the power of proper planning.

PRO TIP: Buy one of these clothing organizers and label the 5 slots with the days of the week. Teach your kiddo the days of the week PLUS prep all their outfits in under 5 minutes!

6. Prep School Lunches

I would highly suggest staying away from making lunches each morning. Preparing school lunches either the night before or even for a few days at a time is best.

Keep lunches simple and plan ahead on Sunday so you have plenty of food for the week.

Some easy and quick lunch ideas are sandwiches, cut-up fruit, crackers & cheese, mac n’ cheese (if they can keep it warm), veggies & dip, pretzels, and granola & yogurt.

Another great idea is to prepare a few containers of leftovers from dinner the night before so all you need to do in the morning is grab them on your way out the door.

School lunch ideas

7. Make a Snack Station

Don’t forget about snacks! It’s better to provide a little too much food rather than your kiddo not having enough at school especially when they’re younger.

Prepare easy snacks ahead of time and keep them organized in your pantry and in easy to grab bags in the fridge.

You can have your kids help by putting their own snacks in their lunch box while you focus on the main course!

8. Shared Family Calendar

Whether you like printed or digital calendars, make sure you have one shared family calendar. This way everyone in the family knows what’s going on among each family member.

It can be so hard to keep up with school projects, deadlines at work, soccer practice, singing lessons, field trips, family get-togethers, holiday parties, etc. all happening at the same time.

Having one place where you can see everyone’s events eliminates the possibility of overscheduling, potentially missing an event, or forgetting to pick up your kid from practice.

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9. Everything Goes Away

Teach your kids that at the end of each school day as soon as they walk through the door, they should put everything where it goes so it’s always easy to find.

Something I always tell my family is, “If you always put it in the same place you never have to “find it”.”

As soon as your kids get home they can put their coats on hooks, shoes on the bench, school papers on the Family Command Center, etc. and they’ll already be ready for the next day.

No more running late each morning because you can’t find all the things…replace hectic with calm, cool, and collected. You’ll start each day off on the right foot, in the best mood possible and with the right mindset.

10. Homework Expectations / Homework Zone

It’s important for your kids to know exactly what is expected when it comes to homework so there’s no fighting each night.

Set those expectations before the school season starts so they aren’t surprised when you tell them they can’t play outside because their school work isn’t done.

Decide on a quiet place they can do their homework assignments so when they get home, they can go straight to their homework zone and finish up before doing other activities.

The kitchen table, their own desk, an office space, etc. are perfect for homework zones. Just don’t let them get comfortable doing homework in their room on the floor. They really shouldn’t associate their room with school as it’s their own space.

Boy doing homework

11. Set Expectations Up Front

Always have a chat with your kids on what is expected of them and of you as parents at the beginning of the school year.

Important things to cover would be the time you need to leave the house each morning, what time you’ll pick them up from school and where, when is it homework time, morning and nighttime routines, where to put communication from school when they get home, where to put their school items when they get home, put lunch boxes in the sink, etc.

12. Sign Up for Texts Alerts & School Apps

Ok, I am a new parent so I was definitely not aware of how high-tech we have become in this area!! It is amazing!

My daughter’s school and the whole district send texts regarding important topics parents need to be aware of. Thank goodness we are not having to solely rely on a 5 year old to convey messages from teachers! Phew!

I made sure with the school that both my phone and my husband’s phone were set up to receive texts. We also learned about the app the school uses for other important information and got that all set up ahead of time as well.

Don’t wait until your kid is already in school because we received information even before the school year started that was good for us to know.

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You’re Ready for Back to School!

Are you feeling like a rockstar parent yet? You are totally going to crush these back to school organization ideas and kick the school year’s ass!

I hope you can use these helpful tips in your own home and feel confident going into the new school year.

I’d love to know which tips you found most helpful and which ones you tried in the comments below!

Virtual Hugs, Ashleigh