First it was my three nephews and now it’s my own little guy…the LEGO madness has begun in my household and I am trying to brace myself. 

The first time I stepped on a LEGO it was when my nephew had left some Star Wars LEGOs when he visited and I remember thinking…oh hell no! If I ever have a kid into legos, I am so not dealing with this. I will need some type of lego organization system and I need to learn how to organize legos!

My little guy is just over one year and he’s starting to get into the larger LEGOs so I knew I had to find the easiest way to organize his LEGOs before he started getting into the standard size Legos. 

As of right now, he only has a few sets (thank goodness!) of the larger LEGOs and they are just thrown into a basket under the TV console so he has easy access. For now, this works for us, but I know shortly after he starts getting the smaller LEGOs he’s going to be in heaven and this mama needs a better solution!

However, I have seen some pretty cool LEGO storage ideas so I wanted to do a roundup for all the mamas out there suffering from sore feet!

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LEGOs Spark Imagination

I just know my little guy is going to be into LEGOs because he loves seeing how things work. He likes to take things apart and build them back together. 

I am all for LEGOs and I see just how amazing they can be for children’s motor skills and their imagination. 

So, I’m preparing myself for his life-long obsession with LEGO sets and all the different things he can build with them. I just need LEGOs to also fit in my organized life so I don’t go crazy!

The Best Way to Store LEGOs

Something to consider is how your children play with their LEGOs. For example, my daughter tends to want to only build sets how they were intended to be and not mix the sets up. 

However, I am 100% expecting that my son will be the opposite. He will probably want to initially build the set, but then just mix all the pieces together once he breaks it apart so he has more LEGOs to build with later. 

Consider how your child wants to play with their LEGOs so your LEGO storage solution works for their needs as well. 

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Decide on a LEGO Storage Method

There are actually tons of ways to organize your LEGOs. I had no clue until I started my research. You can organize your LEGOs by set, color, different sizes, or honestly, with no rhyme or reason at all! 

What I gathered from reading several articles and watching some YouTube videos, is that there are literally endless ways to organize your LEGOs. 

The best method for organizing your LEGOs is what works for you to keep them visually appealing and what works for your kiddos who want to play with them. 

Make sure to get your kid involved in the organization of the LEGOs so they know how to put the LEGOs back once they are done playing. Involving them in the organization process will make sure they have some buy-in to keep the LEGOs organized as well. 

You want to have a happy medium so you don’t go crazy, but they still have fun and are excited to play with them. 

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Purge and Donate Unused LEGOs

After you decide on your LEGO storage method, the next step is to go through all your current LEGO pieces and donate any you don’t want or need. 

How many times do you lose one damn LEGO and it messes with the entire structure of the final LEGO structure?? 

My daughter is totally done with LEGO kits once even one piece is missing. So, what’s the point in keeping those LEGOs if she isn’t going to use them later?

My son on the other hand does not care and will build endless creations using a mixture of LEGO builds. 

Condense your LEGO stockpile so you only have the LEGOs your kids will actually play with before buying any storage products you may need. 

Recycle Your LEGOs

If you don’t have anyone to donate your LEGOs to, LEGO themselves has a great program called LEGO Replay where you can actually recycle your unwanted LEGO pieces. 

You can print a free shipping label from their site and ship it off to them. They sort the LEGOs, clean them and then donate them to a Teach for America or the Boys and Girls Club of Boston. How cool is that???

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How to Organize LEGOs: Storage Ideas

Since there are so many different ways to organize LEGOs I went ahead and did a round up of the coolest LEGO storage options I could find. 

Hopefully with all these options (these are great even for small spaces!), you can find a LEGO storage solution that keeps those LEGOs off the floor!

Here are 17 LEGO storage solutions for you and your kids!

1. Organizing LEGOs by Set

This is definitely my daughter’s organization method and she would be so obsessed with a perfect solution like this! We have a similar rolling cart to store all of her craft supplies and it works really well!

How to Organize Legos
Image from @leftbraincraftbrain

2. Organizing LEGOs with a Craft Storage Box

I use these craft storage boxes all the time for my supplies and thought they would be great for LEGO storage as well! They are easily stackable and can allow for some vertical storage.

3. Organizing LEGOs with Expandable Trays

These expandable trays are awesome for kids that have a smaller LEGO collection, but want to keep them organized all together. It also allows for multiple layers so kids can expand it and see what they are working with. 

4. Shallow LEGO Storage

One thing I have considered and have heard through my research is keeping whatever bin or container you use relatively shallow. When you are building with LEGOs you want to easily see what you have to work with especially if your LEGO collection is pretty large. 

5. LEGO Storage for Large Collections

You may have a LEGO builder who has a lot of LEGOs. In this situation, you may need a larger storage option for all those tiny pieces. Here’s a great solution for that! Just get some small and large storage containers and store them in their own unit.

Image from House Home Love

6. Organizer LEGOs with Divided Storage Bins

Another great option to sort your LEGOs by either size or color. Each bin has several dividers that allow your LEGO builder to get creative with how they want to store their LEGOs.

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7. How to Store LEGOs that are Built

You may have a builder who may not finish a whole build, but needs somewhere to store the LEGOs so they don’t get broken before they get to play with them again. Having a larger container that allows for built LEGOs is a great option for this!

8. A Station for Lego Creations

How cool are these? Again, if your kid just loves playing with LEGOs all day long, then maybe the best solution is to dedicate a whole space to their LEGO making fun. 

Image from That Mommy Blog

9. Actual LEGO Storage!

How fun are these LEGO storage options from The Container Store??

10. Storing LEGOs Under the Bed

Building a storage solution for your LEGOs that can easily be rolled out into a kids play area is so great! It can hold quite a large LEGO collection and it’s easily accessible. 

Image from The Happy Housie

11. Storing LEGOs in Tiny Bins

Smaller bins are great for those kids (ahem, my daughter) who only want to play with one LEGO build at a time and does not want to mix LEGO builds. These small containers are just big enough to fit the smaller builds for beginner LEGO makers!

12. Playing & Storage Area in One

This is a great option for kids who are really serious about their LEGO time. If your kid is always playing with their LEGOs, you might as well create a whole space for them to do so. My daughter has a whole playdough area because she literally plays with it daily. This DIY option from Abby Lawson has the LEGO playmats right there so they can build in their room, but also a great storage option.

Image from Abby Lawson

13. How to Store Your LEGO Instruction Manuals / Play Mat

Not only do you need to consider how you will store the LEGO bricks, but you may also want to think of a solution for all the instructions and mats that come with the bricks. These scrapbook paper storage containers are the perfect size to fit LEGO manuals and play mats.

14. Display Case for Your LEGOs

Once you’ve completed a whole LEGO build, you may not want to demolish it right away and show off all your hard work. Having a solution that allows your kids to display their own creations is the perfect way for them to show off their skills! This option doubles as a bookcase as well!

Image from Lil Blue Boo

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15. How to Organize LEGOs by Color

You can really use any storage containers and label them by color if that’s how your kiddo wants to organize their LEGOs. Another option would be to use the same color bin or container as the LEGOs that go in it so you don’t have to label them. 

Image from The Organized Mama

16. A Budget Friendly LEGO Storage Option

If you’re looking for the cheapest way to store LEGOs, you may want to check out your local Dollar Tree. They have LEGO containers that come with a LEGO set (a pretty small one) for only $1.00!

These are also awesome for road trips if your little one wants to take some LEGOs with them, but you only want a small mess in the car!

17. Expandable LEGO Storage Bags

We’ve talked about a lot of bin/container storage solutions for your LEGOs, but there are also expandable bags that may work for you and your family as well. These are also great for travel

Organize Your LEGOs

I hope you got some inspiration for how to organize LEGOs from this post. I’d love to hear about what solution you chose and if it’s working for your family. If I’m missing any great LEGO storage solutions please also let me know! Shoot me an email at and let me know!

Virtual Hugs, Ashleigh