There’s a difference between making sure your home is clean and making sure a home with all of its components is running efficiently. More importantly, there’s a difference between having somewhere to live and living in a home you actually enjoy.

The importance of Home Management is knowing the difference between these two concepts and recognizing the benefits of implementing a system at home that makes sure things are running on auto-pilot.

The ultimate goal of home management is that you free up some time for yourself by having things at home run efficiently.

There are so many components to running a home. From cleaning schedules to making sure the kids and spouse feel loved. From making sure bills aren’t paid late to putting a morning routine in place. Running a home can be overwhelming, but putting systems in place will help you reap the benefits of Home Management.

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5 Benefits and The Importance of Home Management

1. Creates Routines & Consistency

One of the biggest benefits and the importance of home management is the fact that you’re building routines and consistency around the things that matter most.

Bills are never late because budgets are in place and payments are on auto-pilot, your home is mostly guest-ready because cleaning and decluttering happens on a regular basis. You’re never running around last minute trying to throw together dinner because you had a plan for the week on Sunday.

Routines can be hard to implement and stick to, but once you learn how to make systems and routines work for your family, that consistency is what builds up to full on auto-pilot systems. When home management is on auto-pilot, life, in general, becomes easier.

Things are easier to manage, last minute plans can actually be fit in without added stresses, and your time is freed up for more important things in life.

Implementing routines that create a whole home management system can also positively impact your mental health.

Benefit of Creating Routines at Home

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2. Keeps the Family on the Same Page

Isn’t it a great feeling when your family is on the same page?

When everyone in the household knows that it’s a team effort to clean up once dinner is done, things happen a lot faster and the stress of trying to ask for help is gone.

A nightly cleanup routine is normal in our household and everyone wants to get it done so we have time to relax before the night is over as a family. Sure, it was hard at first to get everyone on board, but now, everyone knows that after dinner it’s clean up time and everyone helps in their own way.

One of my favorite forms of home management is communication management within a family. Having great communication within a family about things important to keeping the home running is a GAME CHANGER!

Seriously! If you don’t have a family command center yet, this is a MUST HAVE for anyone looking into the importance of home management.

Your family is your team. So when the family is on the same page and is helping one another out, the load is lighter for everyone and things become easier!

Family Command Center

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3. Creates a Home You Enjoy

I don’t know about you, but I find joy in coming home to a house I love that is for the most part, clean enough.

Now, we don’t have some ridiculously huge home that’s brand new with upgrades throughout. Let’s be real, our home is a modest size (1600 sq ft), needs some love in certain areas, and could use a fresh coat of paint. But, because of implementing systems, I don’t remember the last time I was late on paying a bill, my home is cleaned routinely throughout each week, I don’t have piles of laundry everywhere, and I enjoy spending time at home.

I can honestly say that because I have taken the time to implement consistent routines that make up a whole home management system, I can sleep better each night and enjoy my free time because it’s not all spent on catching up from the week before.

Sure, things aren’t perfect, but life isn’t perfect. As a working mom, I aim for ‘good enough’ and because I know my home management is mostly on auto-pilot, getting to ‘good enough’ is a lot easier than it used to be.

Importance of Home Management

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4. Teaches Your Kids Life Long Lessons

If you want your kids to learn how to get along in the real world, involving them in home management is the perfect way to introduce them. They’ll be light years ahead of most kids when it comes to money management, laundry and how to live life in the real world.

We recently introduced a money system to our daughter where she gets a budget that she earns through helping with the house. She can use that money to ‘buy’ t.v. time, Nintendo Switch time, a special treat, etc.

It’s nothing complicated, but it has introduced her to budgeting, how to earn money through hard work, the importance of delayed gratification (sometimes we say you can have 10 minutes of t.v. time now or you can wait until after dinner and get 30 minutes), and teamwork.

We introduced chores early on when my daughter was two. She showed interest in helping organize the shoes by the front door so we told her that was her responsibility. She is now 5 and that is still something she manages daily. We don’t have to bug her (for the most part) to make sure it’s maintained. She actually takes pride in how the shoes look and enjoys it.

We never tried to force chores on her, we just let her help when she became interested in something.

My son is now just over a year and LOVES to help unload the dishwasher. What kid doesn’t??

Now every time I need to unload the dishes, I ask him to help. Any guesses as to what his first chore will be??

As soon as your kids show interest in helping with a piece of home management, get them involved! You won’t have to pull teeth because they are the ones showing interest. They may break a few dishes along the way and you may have to re-do some of their work, but the lessons they are learning far outweigh the downfalls.

Pay attention to what your kids may be interested in and get them involved as soon as you see that spark in their eyes. Get creative when teaching them so they stay excited and absorb everything you teach them.

Kids Learning Lessons

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5. Keeps Your Home Organized

The benefits of decluttering and a good cleaning schedule are so important in home management. Creating these systems will ensure that your home is never overcrowded with “stuff” and your home is always guest-ready.

Once you do a deep declutter and cleaning session, you just need to be in maintenance mode. Having a routine in place to keep the clutter and cleaning on track will keep your home organized throughout the year.

Sometimes getting started with these two things can be very overwhelming, but once you’ve found what works for you and your family, that consistency ensures your home will never turn into a chaotic mess again.

Consistency may be the hardest part, but I assure you, it’s worth trying. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to skip the night time and morning routines, but I’m so glad I stuck to them because getting ready for family get togethers or summer parties is so much easier now that I have these routines in place.

You May Also Like: 11 Steps to Decluttering When You Don’t Know Where to Start

There are so many benefits to implementing a whole-home approach to managing all the things. The importance of home management is so huge that I’ve dedicated a lot of my time researching the benefits of doing the work up front and in a systematic way. Implementing a home management system has been a life saver and in the end saves me and my family so much time better spent on things that matter.

I hope you can see the benefits and importance of home management as well and start implementing pieces of it into your life! Please let me know what you’ve tried that works for you and your family and where you still struggle. I’d love to connect with you and understand where I can help even more!

Virtual Hugs, Ashleigh

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How to Build an Effective Family Command Center
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