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Let me just preface this entire post by saying that these are my own feelings from my own perspective of life as a working mom. I don’t shame any mom for how she chooses to live her life. Whether she is a stay at home mom, a work from home mom, an entrepreneur mom, a full-time working mom, or a part-time working mom. We are all badass, we are all going through the struggle of motherhood and there is no place for shaming another’s situation. Now let’s get into it…

Prove Your Success

I often feel like I have to prove myself as a working mom.

That my worth at work must be so great that it outweighs the fact that I’ve abandoned my kids for 10 hours every day.

Like I have to bring in more than enough money to justify the fact that I have a career while also being a mom.

That if I’m not successful at work in the eyes of society, then I’m a failure as a working mom.

What’s the saying…

Build your career as if you don’t have kids, but raise your kids as if you don’t have a job???

work from home mom

Close enough. And it’s complete bullshit.

So, let me get this straight.

I’m supposed to bust my butt at work so I can climb the corporate ladder and break glass ceilings (because #womenempowerment), yet at the same time I need to be a Pinterest perfect, Instagram worthy mom of the year?

No thanks.

I’ll choose my messy, chaotic, working mom life every damn day.

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Our Own Version of Success

I think what people don’t get is that every woman has a different standard of success they are trying to achieve.

Success looks different for every working mom and each definition of success is perfect in it’s own way.

Your version of success is what matters.

successful working mom

I think that’s the point that is lost and the noose that we hang by as working moms. We feel all the guilt and pressure consuming us from all directions because we compare our situation to a standard built by a society that doesn’t fully support us.

(I mean, can we get more than a few weeks after birth to snuggle our kids, WITH PAY? That’d be great.)

We feel like we aren’t 100% mothers or 100% employees. There’s a constant balancing act or tension as we’re pulled both ways at the same time.

We are placed in this category called working moms like we can’t just be badass women who have it all.

We are boxed in a corner that labels us and not everyone places positive notions around the term “working mom”.

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Eat Your Damn Confetti Cake

working moms

I’m here to tell you that you can have your damn birthday confetti cake with cream cheese frosting and eat the whole damn thing too.

Find your own version of success and then measure yourself against that and nothing else.

So, how do you find what success means to you as a working mom?

Well, what makes you happy?

Make a Plan for Success

success as a mom

There’s so many factors to defining your level of success and knowing when you’ve hit that success.

The best exercise to do is imagine what you life would look like when you’re the happiest.

Every year, make a vision board with goals that will bring you closer to your vision of success.

Make a plan. Make SMART goals. Find your motivation (Start with Why). Keep going. Finally, don’t stop until you’ve achieved your definition of success.

But remember, it won’t just happen if you don’t put in the work.

So, if you want to achieve YOUR vision of success, start to get serious about a plan.

Success is the Best Revenge

Nothing in life will ever come easy, or free, or easy. BUT, if it’s truly going to make you happy, it will totally be worth it!

Live up to your own expectations of success as a working mom and no one else’s.

Finding your success as a working mom is the only way we can get revenge against a society of haters. So, get out there mama and #dothedamnthing

Virtual Hugs, Ashleigh

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